Friday, February 5, 2010

Stomach Ulcer Ppi Stomach Ulcer + Alcohol?

Stomach Ulcer + Alcohol? - stomach ulcer ppi

So I was with a gastrointestinal diagnosis, there are about 2 years after living with him for at least several months. The pain was terrible. Lately, the pain began to return, but not to the same extent as before. I again jumped into Somac (PPI), but I do not drink much. I know this is not the best for me, but I'm drinking on the lookout for suggestions on the best type of alcohol, if I do. Has anyone a suggestion? I know that the wine is more there, the hard as in my stomach. But what is such a thing as beer? Instead of ghosts?


  1. I also have a stomach ulcer and I think I can drink beer without me many problems, but alcohol kills me.

  2. No alcohol or spicy food is bad when they are mixed with an ulcer. Alcohol is the pain and suffering? Otherwise, try mixing soft drinks or other beverages, including alcohol, mixed with a little less. If so, make sure that you take to eat foods that can help the acid. Hope this helps.

  3. if u choose to drink alcohol with a stomach ulcer or bleeding ulcer in the assembly difficulties that the beginning of that which the problems, but hey ur U b is not a problem?

  4. = Arden. No, seriously, that's what happens. Its no fun!

